5 Evening Habits That Damage Your Hair

5 Evening Habits That Damage Your Hair

1. Sleeping with wet hair. Sometimes we are tired from work, after taking a shower and washing our hair, we fall asleep right away. Sleeping with wet or damp hair is a habit that continuously damages your hair. Wet hair is weak. When it rubs against the pillow or bed sheet, it causes dryness, frizz, and split ends. Using a towel to wipe your hair hard can also cause the same problem. 2. Bad combing or not combing at all. Combing your hair while wet after a shower in the evening will damage your hair just like sleeping with wet hair. If we don’t comb our hair before going to bed and you sleep with messy hair, it will become more tangled and knotted, causing frizziness, split ends and breakage. Combing your hair before going to bed while dry will stimulate the hair and scalp, making hair healthy and shiny. 3. Using the wrong pillowcase
Pillowcases made from cotton
It causes more hair loss because it causes the hair to rub together and become weak, even though you barely move while you sleep.
4. Wrong way to tie your hair
The way you tie your hair before going to bed can indicate whether your hair will be damaged while you sleep. For example, using hair ties made of metal can damage the hair shaft while you sleep. Also, hair ties that are too tight and tying your hair when it is wet can damage your hair even more. Use hair ties that are soft, gentle, and flexible. You should tie your hair loosely or braid it while you sleep.
5. Not using nourishing products
Neglecting to use conditioner can easily cause dry and damaged hair. You should use conditioner every time after shampooing. Before going to bed, you can use conditioner to prevent tangling while you sleep.
Let’s change our old habits that damage our hair until we get used to it.